Tuesday, March 31, 2009

wordle UPDATED

I just discovered Wordle, which is a free tool that can make word clouds for you from any blog, from your delicious account, or just from words you submit yourself. Here is a cloud made from my delicious tags. Note: "glis634" was the number of my web design class in library school. My final project for the same course included a lot of photographs. And I currently work as an esl tutor just to put food on the table. Update: Here's a cloud from this blog too.

Further update: Boy, am I late to the bandwagon on this one. My friend Amy linked to this months ago. And a funny thing: I remember seeing it. Anyway, enjoy!
Wordle: i.barlova's delicious
Wordle: barlova.blogspot

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I am a Shover and Maker 2009!

So read all about it.


1. In Spain, the information professions are known as documentación, and include biblioteconomía (librarianship), archivística (archival studies) and museología (museology?) as well as, according to Wikipedia, documentación itself. That confuses me a lot, but I'm working on it.

2. There are a whole crapload of professional organizations here. The ones that seem most relevant to me at the moment are the Asociación Andaluza de Documentalistas and the Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, because they are specific to the autonomous community I live in. There are lots of other ones though, like ANABAD, FESABID and SEDIC. FESABID is having a conference in Zaragoza in May which I think I should attend, broken Spanish notwithstanding.

3. Info professionals in Spain don't find my story quite as impressive as I do.

4. It's unlikely that I'll find a job very quickly. I suppose the best thing to do would be to make myself known to some professionals around here, so that I don't seem to have come out of nowhere when a good opportunity actually comes up?